Find a therapy that works for you


    Five Elements Acupuncture is an effective treatment that involves full appraisal of a client's condition in health and illness, together with the insertion of very thin needles at specific points on the body.

    Acupuncture stimulates sensory nerves under the skin and in the muscles. This can help with many conditions including chronic tension headaches, migraines, chronic pain, dental pain joint pain and postoperative pain. More generally, acupuncture is a great way to boost your mental and physical wellbeing.

    Meet Sarah or Emma


    Using cutting edge technology, we can gain live insights into your auras, chakras and energy personality colours. You will receive a head and shoulders image of your aura as well as a comprehensive energy personality insight report. The aim is to help you to 'live right for your energy type.'

    Meet Vanessa


    If you suffer from dysfunctional breathing, from asthma to long covid, snoring to sleep apnoea, COPD to chronic fatigue syndrome, or anxiety and stress, then the Buteyko breathing method will help you relieve and manage those issues.

    This method is suitable for all ages and physiologies from people who have difficulty walking upstairs to athletes, our breathing techniques will improve your lung capacity and regulate your breathing for a healthier way of living.

    Meet Tim


    Counselling is a talking therapy that can help you find ways of dealing with emotional issues. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

    Investing in your mental wellbeing through counselling can help you garner a better understanding of your thought processes and feelings. Counselling is designed to improve your mental wellbeing help you establish healthy coping mechanisms.

    Meet Eve

    Meet Claudine

    Meet Natasha

  • EFT

    EFT (emotional freedom technique) is a powerful healing therapy, which offers a psycho-energetic approach to understanding health and disease.

    Using tapping points on the face and hands whilst speaking about a specific issue or trauma can clear limiting beliefs at lightning speed compared to other talk therapies.

    Meet Benita


    A Feng Shui consultation involves an analysis of the energy flow in your home or work environment, to identify the areas that are in need of clearing and elemental harmonising. Balance, harmony and creating sacred space in your home brings an alignment with the major areas of your life, health and wellbeing, relationships, career and abundance.

    Meet Dandy


    Hair loss can be the result of hormonal changes, medical conditions, hereditary predisposition or just a normal part of ageing. Luckily, if you are unhappy with your hair loss a number of treatments exist to prevent further loss and thicken hair. Such as:

    * Hair products & supplements for Optimum Hair Growth

    * Low Level Laser Therapy

    * Prescription medication

    * Hair Transplant Surgery (UK & Turkey)

    * Referrals for SMP & PRP

    Meet Sophie


    Homeopathy is a natural, gentle and safe system of healing that may help the body restore itself. Homeopathy treats the person, not the disease. This person-centric approach will ensure that remedies are selected based on your unique medicinal needs. The holistic nature of homeopathy means that the mind, body, and emotions are treated together.

    Meet Tara


    Hypnosis is a deeply relaxing state where the client is in control at all times. It is very like daydreaming.

    The client can come out of the relaxed state at any time. The therapist has no control over the client. The client and the therapist work together on agreed goals that have been agreed upon between them.

    The client allows themselves to enter a relaxed state where they can access their imagination and allow the subconscious mind to change a negative pattern of thinking, behaving, or feeling. This can change any behaviour that is stopping the client from being the person they want to be and living the life they want to live.

    Hypnotherapy works especially well with phobias, weight loss, smoking cessation, anxiety and stress, panic attacks, and anything that is causing stress and negativity in a person’s life.

    Meet Lara


    Massage aims to revive, relax and heal the body. Massage encompasses many different techniques and the massage therapists at The Space are happy to help you find the right approach for you. Massage can reduce blood pressure, anxiety and pain. Clinical trials find massage is especially helpful in treating chronic low-back pain.


    Matrix integrates EFT into deeper analytic therapy work. Healing parts of self that have been dissociated through trauma.

    It is gentle and often surprisingly illuminating to re-visit these echoes and reassure them from the present moment.

    Meet Benita


    The Mummy MOT is a postnatal check-up for women following both vaginal and c-section deliveries. It assesses how your posture, pelvic floor, muscles and stomach muscles are recovering after childbirth. If they aren’t recovering so well we will provide you with gentle exercises and treatment to help you with your recovery.

    Meet Sian


    A naturopath will help coach their client in the most healthy diet, exercise and lifestyle practices for their unique health status and life stage. Alongside diet recommendations, supplements and liquid herbs may be used to help accelerate healing and symptomatic relief. Functional testing using stool, urine and blood tests are also available if needed to help get to the root cause of the problem.

    Meet Laura


    Nutritional Therapy is a Scientific, Evidence-based Practice which creates personalised protocols tailor-made to the individual.

    By digging deep into past history and looking into all the body systems, we will work together as detectives to discover root causes, look for imbalances and then correct them using dietary and lifestyle measures.

    Meet Laura

    Meet Emma

    Meet Dandy

    Meet Kirsten


    Osteopathy focuses on the physical manipulation of the body’s joints and muscle tissue. It can detect, treat and prevent many health issues. Osteopathic physical manipulation and stretching can relieve muscle tension, increase joint mobility, reduce pain, enhance blood supply to tissues and promote healing after injury. Osteopathy is especially helpful with conditions that affect joints, bones and muscles. For instance, low-back pain, neck pain, arthritis, shoulder pain and sports injuries.

    Meet Sian


    Paediatric osteopathy applies very gentle and specific pressures to different spots of the body. It is based on the principle that our wellbeing depends on the muscles, connective tissue, ligaments and skeleton. Paediatric osteopathy can help with a baby’s reflux issues, sleeping problems, colic and general stress. Children often find osteopathy soothing and it can reduce unsettled behaviour and general irritability as well as potential muscular or skeletal problems.

    Meet Sian


    Reflexology is a supportive and nurturing form of natural healthcare working on the basis that the feet are a representation of our bodies. Every structure, organ and gland has its own reflex point on the feet and by stimulating each reflex your body is encouraged to work towards achieving ‘homeostasis’ – the balanced functioning of all the systems of the body, both physical and emotional, making it fantastic for all sorts of ailments and conditions. The therapeutic application of pressure to each reflex will enable your body to release toxins and promote a deep relaxation; a part of you just sinks into a deep restfulness. It is during this deep relaxation that the body is able to begin a self healing process. It is a truly restorative treatment

    Meet Grace


    Reiki is a non-invasive treatment that induces a deeply relaxed state. Your body will effortlessly drawing in the exact amount of energy you need via hands that are placed above you. Your energy centres (chakras) will become balanced, your energy channels (meridians) will become unblocked and will flow better and your energy bodies (auras) will be glowing! Reiki can help with stress, anxiety, pain, hormonal imbalances, muscle damage and much more.

    Meet Vanessa


    Shamanic healing is one of the oldest forms of energy medicine that works on the luminous body, using various techniques such as the Illumination, Soul Retrieval and Brain/Heart coherence meditation. Each session begins a transformative process that promotes your own personal healing journey that heals your past and illuminates your future.

    Meet Dandy


    Therapy is a collaborative treatment for alleviating emotional issues and sustaining the development of positive and compassionate belief patterns.

    Our psychotherapist, Benita Scott, can help you with recovery from depression, anxiety or adjusting to grief, shock or trauma. Wraparound care includes therapy resources, self-care training and nutritional support for mental health.

    Meet Benita

  • TRE®

    TRE® (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) is a series of 7 simple yet innovative exercises designed to activate a natural therapeutic tremor and assist the body in releasing deeply held muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma.

    Unlike many therapies that focus on the mental or emotional aspects of stress and trauma, TRE® recognises that the impacts are also stored in our physiology and need to be released through the body.

    When this natural tremoring or ‘shaking’ mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled way it helps calm and regulate the nervous system, and restore balance to body, mind, and soul.

    Most people report immediate benefits from just one session of TRE®. Usually, this is a sense of calm and relaxation and improved quality of sleep. With regular practice TRE® offers numerous other physical, mental, and emotional benefits.

    Our TRE® Provider, Kate, offers group shakes and 1:1 sessions.

    Meet Kate